“I love each and every one of my girls but there comes a time that one or some stand beyond and above the rest. This is where the RRM Recognition Quarterly comes in place” -Adela
RRM International Talent & Member Appreciation
Getting to know our beautiful Maribel, also known as Mari. Maribel is a loving daughter, sister, and mother who was born in Merced California to her mom who was only 15 when she gave birth to her. She grew up in Central Valley but had to move a lot, which made it difficult to make friends. Growing up it was just her and her mom for a while. As if things couldn’t be more difficult for this little girl, she was also deaf which made it even harder for her to make friends. She was always looked as different and people often felt sorry for her, demonstrating acts of pity. Maribel was too little to understand why people saw her as being so different. She was bullied all through school, teased, kids would make fun of her when she would sign, even calling her names, like retard. She knew she was just like everyone else only difference was that she couldn’t hear. Maribel often caught herself asking why do people see her so different, knowing she can do anything they can do, and yes, at times she might need a pen and paper but she can still do anything. She was able to get an education just like everyone else, only difference was she had to go to special schools and be in different classrooms but still learned everything as everyone else did. On top of that, she learned how to communicate with her hands. If anything she was talented, not disabled. Maribel lived life as a normal teenager, graduating from Downey High School in Modesto. She decided to take everything she had learned in life, her experiences growing up and dealing with being deaf by weaving it into something positive that everyone can learn from. Maribel is a mother of four, her oldest, a son who is 12 and her youngest, a daughter who is 3. She teaches them to respect and know how important it is because no one should make someone feel less of themselves. Maribel has chosen to spread awareness through her children and Redrosemafia to change people’s views on the deaf so they can be seen simply as people. Her biggest value is respect, stating “respect me and I will respect you more.” Maribel wants to create awareness and ensure the deaf community gets the respect they deserve but are not getting because people continue to see them as different. Our Maribel may be different but as an RRM model/member she has shown dedication and giving her time to spread awareness while giving back to the community as much as she can. This is something that sets her apart from regular society. Every RRM model/member has a story, our Maribel just also happens to be deaf on top of hers. She is an experienced, beautiful, well loved and respected model who consistently shines and it’s always a pleasure to work with. Maribel is thankful to Jefa and her RRM sisters for giving her the opportunity to tell her story also allowing her to spread awareness so everyone can learn about the deaf community as a whole. We value her dedication to RRM and look forward to continuing to have her in our sisterhood.